
Today I rushed out to capture the light of last sunrays of the day and it turned out not to bad. These images were taken shortly before the sun set, except the one of the forest “january mood”. I was walking towards my expected photo spot, and the sun was setting too fast, so it was only possible to catch the first two images on walking to my destination no time for a proper setup with tripod and the “fun” stuff. 

«three kings still alive» was unexpected. First I wanted to pass them, but then decided to have a short stop and get an image. The branches were lit beautifully, almost in an orange tone delivered by the setting sun, but in post I decided to convert it to black and white to add more drama to the image. Somehow it felt  better to have this image in black and white.

three kings – still alive

“three kings – still alive” is available on unsplash: https://unsplash.com/photos/_pKX3xjLQAY

«pinkblue sky» was initially planned and the only image I wanted to take this evening, but there was no time for a proper setup so I took it «on the go».. this time color was good and the pink blue sky (boring without clouds) attracted me to stop shortly and capture that image. The sun then dropped quickly behind the forest and there was no chance to walk or even run to a higher position to get a better view and record another sunset image.

pinkblue sky

Now the sun was set when I reached another photo spot and I had barely some good light. But for me this situation created the perfect repesentation of january mood, the image looks very melancholic and a bit chaotic with this bulk of trees. Not a big vista, but somehow intimate, calm and cold. «january mood» was initially not planned and is a massive crop of a landscape image, because I do not have such a long lens to capture this image uncropped. focus was set manually and the only image of the evening taken on the tripod.

january mood

“january mood” is available on unsplash: https://unsplash.com/photos/_pKX3xjLQAY

the end, goodbye.

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful time.
Capture the light, share the moment.

Patrick Humm

Ad: I work with capture one, have a look and support my project get a free trial of Capture One: https://captureone.38d4qb.net/visuals

My unsplash gallery: https://unsplash.com/@visualsart

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