
this sunday was almost cloud-free and very sunny, so we wanted to catch some of the glorious sun after a miserable trip on saturday which was a complete disaster. the upcoming week is promised to have much cloud and almost no sunlight, time for some more moody images..

sunstars in the crane
sparkle /crane

my daughter balanced on the logs close to the public fireplace in the forest and at least succeeded to complete multiple passes without stepping off the logs. during her practice (which I wasn’t allowed to comment and watch her after failing upon my compliment that she’s doing great) I was forced to turn myself into the other direction and the crane attracted my attention. there was nothing special about it and I didn’t see any image in there, but after walking around and moving into the shade of the crane, I recognized this image.

as it is a perfect high contrast scene I decided to use the black and white film simulation in the camera. after tweaking the shadows and highlights including the aspect ratio I was very confident with it. what do you think about the image? in how many parts did the crane construction split the sun? feel free to leave a comment below.

after this image was taken, I was sure my daughter also succeeded on the logs and yes this was the case.. without my disturbing compliments she passed the log formation twice. with this success in mind and my promise to have “zvieri” (afternoon sweets) at home, we were very fast heading home (she was with her bike)..

another image taken today is a panoramic crop of a gap between two forests. left part of the forest is from Ehrendingen and the right part is from Freienwil, within the gap is the road to Nussbaumen which is close to Baden. on top of the hill in front of the forests you can see the road connecting Ehrendingen with Freienwil. i really like the very well separated layers this composition gives. the layers contained in this image have a range from almost pure white to pitch black. it was taken just some minutes earlier than “sparkle /crane”, the sun was very low and highlights the fog which results in visible sunrays. unfortunately it was not humid enough to form a rainbow or something similar (fogbow :-)).

center layers

the end, goodbye.

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful time.
Capture the light, share the moment.

Patrick Humm

Ad: I work with capture one, have a look and support my project get a free trial of Capture One: https://captureone.38d4qb.net/visuals

My unsplash gallery: https://unsplash.com/@visualsart


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